Almost exactly one year ago, the “Chiwara Dadacha Park + Anecha Park” in Tsuruoka city, which we were responsible for designing and supervising, was opened to the public. (Prior to this, there was a park opening event on September 24, 2022.)
Last summer, we had the photographer take pictures, which we will share on this blog. In the foreground is Anecha Park, and in the background, to the right of the commercial facility’s parking lot, you can see Dadacha Park which looks smaller in the photograph.

令和4年6月に名称は公募され、審査の上決定されました。「だだちゃ」とは、この地方の言葉で「お父さん」、「あねちゃ」とは「お姉さん」の意です。ちなみに「おかあさん」は「ががちゃ」というらしいですが、審査会のときに地元の方が「だだちゃ」と「あねちゃ」の組み合わせのほうが、語感がいいといわれて現在の名称になりました。/ In June of Reiwa 4 (2022), the names for the plazas were decided through a public naming contest and subsequent evaluation. “Dadacha” means “father” in the local dialect, while “Anecha” means “older sister.” Interestingly, “mother” is said to be “Gagacha” in the same dialect, but during the evaluation, it was decided that the combination of “Dadacha” and “Anecha” sounded better, leading to the current names.
いろいろな経緯があって、「だだちゃ広場」の方には、だだちゃ豆のような芝生の丘を設けるデザインとなりました。/Various reasons led to the design of Dadacha Plaza featuring grassy hills reminiscent of dadacha beans.
その計画の経緯や工事中の写真は、今までのこのブログでも紹介しておりますので、よろしかったら以下よりお目通しください。/ For those interested in the planning background and construction photos, they have been shared in previous blog posts, so please feel free to check them out:
2021年2月11日のブログ/Blog post from February 11, 2021
2021年12月13日のブログ/Blog post from December 13, 2021

二つの公園が一体となって、茅原地区だけでなく全ての鶴岡市民に、そして他地域から訪れた人々にも楽しんでいただけるような、令和の時代の新しい魅力をもった公共空間となることを期待しています。 」
Here is my description submitted for the application:
“The two parks in Chiwara Town, Tsuruoka City, consist of Park 1 and Park 2. Located within close proximity to each other, they are designed as a pair, enabling visitors to enjoy moving between them.
Park 1 features a single elliptical depression at the center of a green hill. This bowl-shaped space serves not only as a playground but also as a versatile gathering area for people.
Park 2 has two elliptical grassy hills, which, depending on the viewing angle, resemble either the twin peaks of Mount Chokai or dadacha beans. An arc-shaped wall faces these slopes, turning the grassy hill into an auditorium where various events such as plays and concerts can be held, with the potential for markets and fairs as well.
Parks 1 and 2 embody contrasting concepts: ‘Yin (−)’ and ‘Yang (+)’, ‘Single (mono)’ and ‘Multiple (dual)’ as inferred from their hills and depressions, representing an Eastern philosophy where both elements, without any hierarchy, complement and resonate with each other to form the universe. Grass slopes and ‘Jindai Akebono’ cherry trees serve as common elements linking both parks, from which the majestic surrounding mountains can be admired.
Together, these parks aim to become a new public space with allure for the Reiwa era, not only for the Chiwara district and all citizens of Tsuruoka City but also for visitors from other regions.”
上の空撮の手前にある「あねちゃ広場」から紹介します。/ Let’s start with the “Anecha Park” located in the foreground of the aerial photograph mentioned.

後から紹介する「だだちゃ広場」は、あたかも鶴岡特産の枝豆「だだちゃ豆」のように、二つの楕円形の丘をもっています。こちらも、中央を丘として計画していましたが、二つの公園が似すぎていても面白くないので、芝生外周部から中央に向かって徐々に盛り上げ、真ん中に楕円形のくぼみ(クレーター)をつくりました。/ The “Dadacha Plaza” introduced later features two elliptical hills, mimicking the appearance of Tsuruoka’s specialty edamame, the “dadacha beans.” Although initially planned with a central hill, to avoid making it too similar to the other park and to add interest, the design gradually slopes upwards from the outer perimeter towards the center, creating an elliptical depression (crater) in the middle.
そして、冒頭の写真の奥の方にあった、「だだちゃ広場」です。/And this leads us to the “Dadacha Park,” located towards the back in the initial photo mentioned.
こちらは公園の名称がそのまま示しているように、「だだちゃ豆」のような外観をもつ芝生広場がその一番の特徴です。こちらの公園名「だだちゃ(庄内弁でお父さん)」と対になるものとして、もう一つの公園は「あねちゃ(庄内弁でお姉さん)」を冠した名称となりました。/This park is characterized by its grassy undulation that resembles the appearance of “dadacha beans,” as directly suggested by the park’s name. In tandem with this, another park has been named using the term “anecha” (meaning “older sister” in the Shonai dialect), complementing the “dadacha” (meaning “father” in the Shonai dialect) theme of the first park.
イベントの際、演者は湾曲した壁(ウォール)の前で、演奏や踊りを披露し、観客は芝生の丘に腰かけて、それを鑑賞したり、応援したりすることができます。/ During events, performers showcase their music and dance in front of the curved wall, while the audience can sit on the grassy hill to enjoy and support the performances.

ウォールは、その前で演奏する演者の声を反射し、芝生の丘に座る観客に届ける音響版の役割も果たします。/ The wall serves as acoustic panel to reflect the performer’s voice in front of it, delivering the sound to the audience seated on the grassy hill.
ウォールのコンクリート打放壁に穿たれた、水平横長スリットは、公園内の領域分けを行いながらも、死角をできるだけなくし、犯罪の発生を抑える役割を果たします。適度に風も通します。/ The horizontal, elongated slits in the concrete wall play a dual role: they divide the park into different areas while minimizing blind spots to deter crime. Additionally, they allow for the passage of a moderate breeze.
ウォールに設けられた庇は、突然振り出した雨や、夏の強い日差しを避けるために有効です。/ The eaves provided on the wall are effective for sheltering from sudden rain showers and avoiding the strong sunlight in summer.

In this park, a deliberate choice was made not to install conventional prefabricated playground equipment. Instead, the design incorporates the natural undulations of the terrain along with walls, trees, benches, and water fountains. Considerable thought went into planning these elements. For instance, numerous designs for the shape and height of the grassy areas were developed and tested through simulations to ensure they offered fun and easy movement, comfortable seating, and in winter, suitability for sledging among various other activities.
While plastic playground equipment found nationwide is popular, it often standardizes play, potentially limiting children’s creativity. This park aims to foster a space that, while simple, holds vast potential for various play and activities, encouraging children and community members to think creatively and devise their own forms of entertainment. The goal is to create a facility that remains relevant and robust over decades, adapting to changing societal values.
イベントがあるとこんなにも多くの人が集まります。/ When there’s an event, it attracts a large number of people.
This initiative seeks to bring dignity to a newly developed area carved out from a region once dominated by rice paddies through land readjustment, fostering a sense of pride among its residents. The intention is to create a space that not only serves the immediate needs of its users but also remains adaptable and valuable for future generations, enhancing the landscape and community pride.

そろそろ、道路沿いに植えた桜の花も咲くでしょう。鶴岡市内はもとより、遠方からも人々が遊びに来てくれたらうれしく思います。/ Soon, the cherry blossoms planted along the roads will bloom. It would be a pleasure to welcome visitors not just from within Tsuruoka City, but also from afar, to come and enjoy them.
地域の方々に末永く愛される公園となることを願っています。/ I hope the park becomes a place loved by the community for many years to come.
設計・監理:空間芸術研究所 (設計協力:E-DESIGN)/ Design & Supervision: vectorfield architects (Design Assistance: E-DESIGN)
撮影:小川重雄 (夏祭りの写真を除く) / Photography: Shigeo Ogawa (excluding photos of the summer festival)