<5月19日 山形霞城どうぶつ医療センターとして開院しました。> →ブログ「竣工・山形霞城どうぶつ医療センター」
On May 19th, the Yamagata Kajo Animal Medical Center was opened. For more details, you can visit the blog post titled “Completion: Yamagata Kasumijo Animal Medical Center.”
生命と螺旋(らせん) “Life and Spiral”
A place to contemplate coexistence with the creatures of our planet

When we first received the design commission, our initial thought was about the future role of animal hospitals in society. Animal hospitals, narrowly defined, serve as places to diagnose and treat diseases and injuries in pets, such as dogs and cats, and to provide services like preventive vaccinations, health check-ups, and guidance on animal care. However, in this age, it felt like something more was needed.
Throughout history, humans have kept animals as pets. Even in ancient Egypt, archaeologists have found well-preserved cat mummies, showing that humans have had a long history of cherishing animals as companions.

However, in recent years, factors like aging populations and the increase in single-person households have led to a rapid rise in people who consider companion animals as essential members of their families, providing emotional support. This has shifted the dimension of the relationship between humans and companion animals compared to what it used to be. Companion animals, often referred to as pets, are now considered indispensable for human society, playing a crucial role in saving people from loneliness and contributing to their mental stability. On the flip side, instances where animals that were once kept as companions are abandoned due to various circumstances have not ceased, leading to a societal problem where many lives are lost.
In recent years, there has been an increased awareness of discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, the presence of illness or disabilities, and social attributes within human society. Various discussions and actions have been taken to address and improve these issues. Discrimination that was once considered commonplace, such as the discrimination faced by the LGBTQ community, is gradually shifting towards a more inclusive direction, at least in terms of public discourse.
However, these efforts primarily revolve around the context of Homo sapiens, a specific species among the many on Earth. It’s worth noting that the treatment of companion animals, despite being considered by many as more than just mere pets and sometimes as part of the family, doesn’t seem to receive the same level of attention or concern. Companion animals continue to be abandoned or even killed due to the selfishness of some humans, and this issue does not seem to attract as much significant attention as it perhaps should, considering their status as beings that hold a place akin to family members in many people’s lives.
Fundamentally, humans consume animals like fish, pork, beef, and poultry every day, and even if one is a vegetarian, they cannot live without consuming the lives of plants and grains. It is evident that human existence is built upon the sacrifice of other forms of life. However, in the modern daily life, the divide between humans and animals is rarely acknowledged. The reason this situation is tolerated is not because it is morally and inherently correct, but rather because non-human beings on Earth lack the intelligence and language skills required for logical reasoning and organized protest against humans. The criteria for determining whether a species is harmful or beneficial are set by humans, who possess the ability to manipulate language skillfully. In this process, humans eliminate species that threaten their own existence and exploit those that serve their interests, making it difficult to depart from this perspective. Nevertheless, the explanation that only humans, as the most intelligent species, occupy a special position is losing its persuasiveness. While delving into religious aspects would be beyond the scope of this discussion, it is undeniable that the following holds true.
“History and prevailing value systems have historically been shaped by the powerful, but gradually, society is moving towards giving more importance to the perspectives of the marginalized and the weak. However, it’s essential to recognize that the existence of any marginalized group is guaranteed by the privilege of someone else. If intelligent beings, such as humans, genuinely intend to support the weaker, they must be prepared to risk their own lives and positions to do so.”
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is advancing, and the day when it surpasses humans in intelligence is approaching. If, in the near future, AI or robots were to develop something akin to self-awareness, would humans be capable of acknowledging them as equals? While humans currently dominate due to their higher intelligence than other species, there’s no denying that the hierarchy could shift if AI continues to progress. Some scientists even warn of the possibility of AI leading to the downfall of humanity.
We can imagine a world where beings vastly different from humans, resembling anthropoid apes, reptiles, or other forms, possess advanced intelligence and communication abilities. In this world, they coexist on equal terms with humans, or “biological beings,” much like characters in a cosmic epic where humans and these other intelligent beings work alongside each other.
In such a world, the fundamental principle remains unchanged – entities lacking the ability to assert their rights will ultimately yield to the desires of the powerful. However, it is in a world where the barriers that foster discrimination are dismantled that we can find hope and discover a path towards greater equality and understanding.
In our reality, which lags behind the fantasies of fictional worlds, the challenge of defining the boundaries of dignity and rights among the creatures we share this Earth with has become increasingly complex. In Japan, the Basic Act on Biodiversity was enacted in 2008 with the aim of preserving the diversity of life as the foundation for human survival. Additionally, the Animal Welfare Act outlines responsibilities and obligations for pet owners and sellers, as well as penalties for harming or mistreating animals. However, none of these laws explicitly grant rights to non-human animals.
The political arena is already overwhelmed with addressing the unresolved issues within human society, leaving little room to consider the rights of other beings. Nevertheless, if we continue to expand the scope of justice in accordance with the purest and most pristine aspects of our hearts, the basis for humans being the only special existence on Earth will gradually diminish.
In such times, this animal hospital, at the very least, aims to be a place where animals who live alongside humans, despite their inability to speak, can coexist as equals with humans. It also strives to be a place dedicated to contemplating the well-being of all creatures that share the Earth with us.

When I first received a design consultation from the client, their request included a desire to create an area where dogs could run freely outdoors. Given the limited space available, it was challenging to provide a large open area. This led me to consider the possibility of connecting the rooftops and creating a three-dimensional dog run, which became the starting point for the current design.
The sight of dogs or cats curling up in their sleep often evokes feelings of relaxation and comfort. Furthermore, spirals frequently appear in the natural world when observing other animals and plants. This connection might be related to the origins of life and suggests a deeper relationship between these elements.

The idea of creating a three-dimensional dog run by connecting rooftop gardens intersected with the image of such creatures, resulting in a spiral-shaped plan. And it was the passionate desire of one veterinarian to establish a state-of-the-art animal healthcare facility in this location that guided this somewhat unconventional design for an animal hospital toward realization.

Beyond the entrance porch from the front road, there is a courtyard. From there, a spiral staircase ascends, connecting the rooftop gardens on each floor.

As the project progressed, there were thoughts that the design could evolve into an architectural style resembling a Klein bottle, seamlessly connecting the front and back, as well as the interior and exterior without distinct boundaries.

The continuous flow between the interior and exterior spaces, reminiscent of traditional Japanese architecture, was something we had in mind. However, we didn’t initially have a strong awareness of these topological elements.

The innermost spiral, which serves as the design reference for the building, uses the golden spiral.

The golden spiral is often associated with shapes like the nautilus, and it’s formed based on the Fibonacci sequence.
フィボナッチ数列とは、F0 = 0, F1 = 1, Fn+2 = Fn + Fn+1 (n ≥ 0) の漸化式で表される数列であり、ひまわりの種の配列など、生物の世界を分析していくと、ときおり現れてくる数列でもある。
The Fibonacci sequence is a numerical sequence defined by the recurrence relation: F0 = 0, F1 = 1, and Fn+2 = Fn + Fn+1 for n ≥ 0. It often appears in the natural world, such as in the arrangement of sunflower seeds.
This building is composed of the golden spiral and walls constructed along lines copied at equal widths from it.

一見複雑そうにみえるが、この建物の構成原理は古代(エジプトやギリシャ)から存在する初等幾何からなる単純明快なものである。設計や施工においては、実際にはCAD(Computer Aided Design)を用いているものの、労さえ厭わなければ、鉛筆と定規とコンパスのみで全図面が作図可能だ。一番内側の螺旋の壁は、それを展開する(平面上に開く)と、天端(その壁の一番高い部分)が直線になり、直角三角形を描くようにルールを決めた。
Although it may appear complex at first glance, the structural principles of this building are based on elementary geometry dating back to ancient civilizations like Egypt and Greece. In the design and construction process, CAD (Computer Aided Design) is used, but with sufficient effort, all the drawings can be created using just a pencil, ruler, and compass. The innermost spiral’s wall, when unfolded (opened on a flat plane), has a rule that the apex (the highest point of that wall) becomes a straight line, forming a right-angled triangle.

The structural technique using reinforced concrete walls that we are using here has likely not changed significantly over the past 70 years.

In recent years, there is a sense that architectural competition worldwide is striving for new possibilities made possible by the use of computers, such as 3D surfaces and polygons. However, I also wanted to demonstrate that it is possible to create compelling spaces without necessarily relying on cutting-edge technology like this.

I also considered whether it was possible to create architecture that allowed the principles of the universe and life to engage in a dialogue, based on a mathematical and geometric structure that has some connection to spirals found in nature.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, especially, modern humans have become almost inseparable from digital devices like smartphones, staying constantly connected to the virtual realm, maintaining their links with the outside world and others. One could say our minds are halfway under the control of the digital. However, humans with their physical bodies can never truly break free from the analog. The reasons why contemporary people seek interaction with companion animals might lie therein.
Relying too much on digital technology can be problematic, but it also has its advantages. Nowadays, even if someone is on the other side of the world, instant communication with voice and images is possible. With a web connection, one can maintain smooth communication with international clients, even if based in a regional city, expanding the possibilities in business. We are certainly benefiting from the advantages of digital technology.
Initially, the plan for this building involved a completely curved structure. However, due to cost concerns, it was altered to a shape that could be constructed with flat frames, which are more cost-effective than curved ones. This change proved successful in giving the building a contemporary appearance that resembles digital representation, and I see this as a positive outcome.

The pitch of the polygonal wall’s inflection points was adjusted to match the radius of the reference circle, allowing for efficient construction using standard plywood formwork to minimize waste. As a result, as the curvature of the spiral increases, the surface becomes smoother, and as it decreases, it becomes coarser. Near the center of the spiral, it retains a clear digital appearance, but as you move away from the center, it approaches the originally smooth curved surface, which can be seen as more analog in nature.
With these characteristics, this architecture can be seen as a metaphor for contemporary humans, oscillating between analog and digital, reflecting the ebb and flow of existence in the modern world.

Once people are led into the introverted and centripetal space of the central courtyard, they ascend the spiral exterior staircase. Upon reaching the rooftop garden on the top floor, they are greeted with a completely different view – an expansive panoramic landscape. From here, they can observe the modernized cityscape belonging to contemporary civilization below, while in the background, the grand natural surroundings of Yamagata, including the Zao Mountain Range, have remained almost unchanged since ancient times.
About 150 years ago, Japan transitioned from the feudal system to a modern nation. Subsequently, it rapidly Westernized and modernized, developing into an economic superpower even after its defeat in World War II. The economy, as well as scientific and technological advancements, saw dramatic progress, leading to a significant reduction in famine-related deaths and casualties from epidemics. Basic human rights were guaranteed, and in principle, people could live in a society free from discrimination or oppression. While overt discrimination and suppression decreased, society’s structure and people’s way of life underwent significant changes. Consequently, different forms of inequality emerged, and the shift from extended families to nuclear families continued. In modern times, this trend has further advanced, with an increasing number of people not forming lifelong families, resulting in issues of loneliness and isolation. In this context, the role of companion animals in human society has become increasingly significant.

Since the beginning of last year, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection has been spreading worldwide. Vaccination efforts have started, but as of the current point in time, there is no clear end in sight for the pandemic.
At the current point in time, it can be said that humanity is facing a global disaster on the scale of a once-in-a-century event, if not even more rare. It is well-known that pandemics, such as the plague and the Spanish flu (influenza), have occurred throughout history at certain intervals.
However, the rapid and widespread nature of the virus’s global spread, along with the significant number of casualties it has caused, seems to set the COVID-19 pandemic apart from previous pandemics. This is likely attributed to factors such as the concentration of populations in large cities over the past few decades, the development of high-speed intercity transportation (airplanes, high-speed trains), and the living conditions in densely populated, airtight urban environments with box-like buildings. While medicine has made significant advances, it is not a panacea. It’s not an overstatement to say that overreliance on modern civilization has played a role in unprecedented events like this. This observation holds true for events like the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster during the Great East Japan Earthquake a decade ago.

The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed been a tragic event resulting in the loss of many precious lives. However, the existing information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure allowed us to explore new possibilities for remote communication, work, and learning, which we shouldn’t overlook. Even if the current COVID-19 pandemic subsides, it is entirely possible that a different type of virus outbreak could occur in the near future. Therefore, we cannot afford to treat this as a one-time event and must remain prepared.
近年、異常気象(夏の異常な暑さや、台風の大型化等)をよく経験するようになったと感じる。異常気象は自然のリズムでもある頻度で発生するが、自然変動に地球温暖化による影響が重なることでその発生確率が増しているようだ。そして、一部で懐疑論はあるものの、地球温暖化は、20世紀後半からの人間活動による二酸化炭素等の放出が原因である可能性が高い。(「異常気象と温暖化 その関係は?」(環境省))人間が他の生物や地球環境のことを考えずに生きることは許されないという、自然界からの警告が発せられていると考えるのが妥当だろう。ウイルスのもっとも効果的な生存戦略は、宿主 (host) を滅ぼさないようにしながら共存することだと聞いたことがあるが、地球の表面に巣くう人類が生き延びる術もそれと全く同じなのは皮肉としか言いようがない。異常気象とは、地球という一つの生命体(いきもの)が、その健康に害を被るほどの度を越えた寄食者 (parasite)の活動に対して、免疫を正常に作動させているだけなのかもしれない。
In recent years, it’s become more noticeable that we’re experiencing abnormal weather patterns, such as unusually hot summers and larger typhoons. While abnormal weather does occur naturally at certain intervals, it seems that human-induced factors, particularly global warming, are increasing the likelihood of these events. While there may be some skepticism, there’s a high likelihood that human activities, such as the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases since the latter half of the 20th century, are contributing to global warming (“Relationship Between Abnormal Weather and Warming,” Ministry of the Environment). It’s reasonable to consider these signs as warnings from the natural world that we cannot continue living without regard for other species and the Earth’s environment. I’ve heard that the most effective survival strategy for viruses is to coexist with their host without destroying it. Similarly, it’s ironic that for humanity, which inhabits the Earth’s surface, survival is reliant on coexisting with the planet in a way that doesn’t harm it. Abnormal weather patterns might just be the Earth’s way of activating its immune system against the overreach of a “parasitic” species.

Efforts to transition to a decarbonized society to combat global warming have only just begun in earnest. Predicting precisely how our global environment will change in the future is extremely challenging as complex natural conditions and the diverse interests of people come into play.
Since the beginning of 2020, the period of designing and constructing this building has coincided with even more challenging circumstances that humanity is facing. However, I believe this has provided us with an opportunity to reevaluate the way our civilization operates, encouraging deeper contemplation and action.
Certainly, the modern society we currently inhabit is not without its merits. In Japan, for instance, we enjoy material wealth, and public safety is generally good.
However, living in a modern society where we are constantly connected through devices like smartphones, and where we often find ourselves anxiously reacting to information about infection rates, it’s worth considering whether this way of life is truly richer than the challenging yet idyllic existence that existed in this place 150 years ago or even further back in time. Answering this question isn’t straightforward.
This building may serve as a space for contemplating the human society that exists between nature and civilization, where we can ponder such matters.
At the beginning of the spiral, a single tree is planted to symbolize life.
People and animals will gather beneath this tree, engage in exchanges, and sometimes contemplate life.
By the time this tree grows to cover the building, it is hoped that this animal hospital will have deep roots in the community as a place where people can reflect on the well-being of all living beings on Earth in the midst of the northern climate. (Hidehiro Yano)
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