Our office is located in a three-story building on the left-hand side, approximately a 7-minute walk westward from the west exit of Yamagata Station, along the main boulevard that stretches from the station.
Our office is situated on a street that intersects with the Ushu Kaido road, located to the north when walking straight from the western side of Yamagata Municipal Third Junior High School.
■空間芸術研究所/vectorfield architects
〒990-0828 山形市双葉町2丁目4-38 双葉中央ビル2階/Futaba Chuo Bldg. 2F, 4-38,Futabacho 2 chome, Yamagata, Japan
電話:023-665-5757 ファックス:023-665-5717/tel:+81-23-665-5757 fax:+81-23-665-5717