
Here’s the English translation: “In November 2018, there was a public offering for the PFI project of public housing in Nakayama Town, and we participated as a design (collaborative company). This is our proposal for the application.”


The site of the public housing project also required the establishment of a ‘Health and Wellness Plaza’ for the residents as well as the townspeople, in line with Nakayama Town’s concept of ‘health and well-being,’ which encourages physical activity to promote health.

プレキャスト・プレストレスト・コンクリート造の人工地盤の上に載った木造の5棟(1DK6戸、2LDK(または3DK)6戸を内包する)が、芝生広場を取り囲む構成。手前はRC造3階建ての既存公営住宅。(この公営住宅は階段室型でバリアフリーではない)/ Five wooden buildings (1DK with six units and 2LDK or 3DK with six units each) are situated on precast prestressed concrete artificial ground. They encircle a lawn square. In the foreground, there is an existing three-story reinforced concrete public housing unit (this public housing unit features a staircase layout and is not wheelchair accessible).



When considering Universal Design (barrier-free), a ground-level single-story approach may seem most suitable. However, it would pose challenges in creating a spacious and openly accessible area for the townspeople, as well as concerns about preserving residents’ privacy during events. Therefore, our team proposed a design where the ground level serves as a multipurpose “large canopy” (artificial ground or piloti), and the wooden quasi-detached housing units are placed on top.

In conventional cases, making the entire area artificial ground can be cost-prohibitive. However, for this project, a budget of approximately 380 million yen was allocated for an interior floor area of around 200 tsubo (approximately 660 square meters). It was anticipated that, by planning the building at the standard price per tsubo and developing the external spaces as usual, there would be a significant surplus budget. Therefore, it made sense to actively allocate this surplus budget towards creating a facility that promotes the health of citizens while ensuring their privacy. This extra budget was provided for this purpose, which guided our team’s decision-making.

This artificial ground proposal encompasses not only the aspects mentioned but also plays a critical role in protecting the lives and property of the townspeople.



The planned construction site is located at the position marked by the yellow-green circle at the top. It falls within the inundation area of the 1967 Uetsu Water Disaster. Additionally, according to the flood hazard map issued by Nakayama Town, the current site is categorized under the flooding depth range of 2 to 5 meters.

羽越水害(1967)の時の写真/ A photograph from the Uetsu Flood (1967)



This is based on the assumption of a flood that occurs approximately once every 100 years for both the Mogami River and Sukawa River.

The debate on whether it was appropriate to select a public housing site in an area with a flood depth of 2 to 5 meters was an important one. Given that such a site was provided as a condition, it was crucial to plan for the possibility of flooding, even in the event of a flood with a depth of 3 meters, which might be the only way to protect the lives and properties of the town’s residents.




Unfortunately, our team’s proposal was not selected. Undoubtedly, there were issues such as the lack of specific proposals.

The winning proposal, which was a single-story design, had the lowest bid price (approximately 270 million yen ≈ about 71% of the estimated price). In PFI, the bid price is a significant factor because it is considered as one of the evaluation criteria.

However, in the case of a single-story design, if a flood that occurs once every 100 years were to happen, the entire site would be completely submerged, leading to not only damage to the building (including possible destruction) but also the potential inability to protect the lives and properties of the residents (even if evacuation takes place). The Uetsu Flood happened nearly 50 years ago. In recent years, unexpected natural disasters have occurred in various places. A flood, which is forecasted in the hazard map to occur once every 100 years, may not be an exaggeration even right after the completion of this public housing.


If that is not the case, and it is believed that “townspeople do not need to keep the hazard map and similar information in mind in their daily lives,” it could call into question the purpose of the hazard map’s existence itself.

1階ピロティ部(大きなあずまや)/ First-floor piloti area (large covered open space)


1DK内観 / 1DK interior view
1DK内観 / 1DK interior view



2LDK内観 / 2DK interior view
2LDKの寝室 / Bedroom of 2LDK plan


南立面 / South Elevation


3DK内観 / 3DK interior view
2LDK 3DKのテラス  / Terrace of 2LDK & 3DK




Hazard maps are not merely emergency evacuation guides; they provide valuable insights for evaluating construction projects and public works. The results of this incident make us reconsider their importance.

When calculating price points for the selection of public projects, it is essential to consider not only the comparison of construction costs but also the quantitative assessment of a town’s long-term assets, which includes accounting for potential disasters.

In this context, hazard maps become an essential tool for making well-informed decisions about construction projects.

We can only hope that this site remains free from severe water-related disasters.


芋煮発祥の地といわれる中山町-秋は芝生広場で芋煮会 / Nakayama Town, known as the birthplace of imoni, hosts an imoni-kai (Taro cooking gathering) festival in the grassy square during the autumn.