Art Human activities that seek to create and express beauty using special materials, methods, and forms. It can be divided into spatial arts such as architecture and sculpture, and temporal arts such as music and literature, as well as comprehensive arts such as theater, dance, and film.
Spatial Arts (Architecture) Art that expresses a certain form in space using physical materials. It includes two-dimensional forms (paintings, flat decorations, etc.) and three-dimensional forms (sculptures, architecture, etc.). It is a form of visual art.
Architecture The act of building houses, bridges, etc. It also refers to buildings. In a narrower sense, it means building structures. Construction.
(From “Daijirin” dictionary)
“Architecture” is a term that was created in the early Meiji period when the concept of “Architecture” was introduced along with the policy of Westernization after the opening of the country. It is said that the term was established by Chuta Ito , an architect and architectural historian (originally from Yamagata Prefecture), who designed major buildings such as Tsukiji Honganji Temple and Heian Jingu Shrine.
Originally, “Architecture” referred to the artistic aspects of buildings and their structural principles. (Furthermore, in Western countries, “Architecture” encompasses a concept beyond “building,” where “Architect” carries a meaning that goes beyond “architect” to include “the person who connects, leads, and initiates.”) Despite Ito’s intentions, “Architecture” in Japan became a widely recognized term that included practical and engineering elements, such as “building” and “construction.”
The current state of what is called “architectural culture” in Japan reflects this situation, especially in regional cities where the term “Architecture” in the sense of “Architecture” is still not widely understood by the general population.
The original concept of “Architecture” is closer to the idea of “art of space,” and it is one of the fields within this broader concept. It does not negate the role of “Architecture” as a vessel for accommodating “life.”
「空間芸術」には、「Architecture(建築)」以外にも「Painting(絵画)」や「Sculpture(彫刻)」も含まれますが、ルネサンス期にミケランジェロが体現したように、それらは境界なくつながった一連の表現の分野でした。今日においてもそれらは互いに影響しあっており、そのような周辺領域も含めて、常に好奇心・探求心をもつことが「Architect(建築家)」 には必要です。
Let us remember that “Architecture” is not limited to a single definition or concept but encompasses a vast and diverse field of possibilities. It is an art form, a science, and a creative endeavor that continues to evolve and inspire, transcending boundaries and enriching the world we live in.